Yes, I'm back. My demands for more followers were met, and, like dogs, I will train them to follow my every command. I'll start small, with blog related things, but soon my commands will be related to DESTROYING the EARTH! 
Wow... I have got to remember to turn of the microphone....

The Heroic Newbie, 2

John (age thirteen) was impatient. He was almost always impatient. Sam (age eleven) may have been his best friend, but today he was getting on his nerves. Setting out a burning building by pure will was one thing, but almost reviling their location with fire works was just plain annoying.
 Thank goodness for Abby. If it weren't for her, the two might have killed each other already. And now that she was gone, he was almost considering it.
 John turned to the heat-sensing monitor he had built again. He was shown as a small orange dot, Sam almost blocked him out with his red light, and the Orb was the same as always. But Abby and Matthew were nowhere to be seen. Then without warning, there was a small dot and a bigger dot right above the tunnel. He was confused, but only for a moment. As soon as he turned to the periscope he saw his friends and partners in stopping crime, Abby (age twelve) and Matthew (not yet one).  they were holding his teleportation remote, so that explained why they had  just appeared on the radar. But what had kept them so long?
 Sam asked "Are they here yet?" then added "Did they bring the pizza?"
 John nodded. He knocked twice on the door. Abby replied with the Mario beat. He let her in. Abby floated in.  "Did you bring the pizza?" Repeated Sam.
 Abby rolled her eyes. "No. I was a little busy running from The Dark."
Every ones eyes widened. "The Dark? What happened? It never comes out durning the day." said John.
 "Well, it came out today." Stated Abby. "We were just flying home, when Matt began to shrink. He was already normal sized, so I knew something was very wrong. Then, It appeared. It was flying. Eye-to-mist with me. Thank the Powers I was just above your house, John. I managed to get in your window and grab your remote. It defaulted here."
The kids had been running into the Dark for almost a year now. They knew nothing about it, exept for what had happened to Alex...
   "So, whats the meeting for?" Abby quickly changed the subject. John was more than happy to play along.
 "Approximately ten hours ago, the heat and stability of the Orb fluctuated greatly."
"Someone touched it." translated Sam.
"Oh, who?" Asked Abby eagerly. "I hope its a girl."
 "We don't know who it is. That's why brainic here called the meeting." Explained Sam.
 For a moment, everyone fell silent. They were all remembering when they had touched the Orb. How confused, scared, or exited they were.
 Matthew was worried by the quiet and began to grow. Three feet. Six feet. Ten feet. Abby flew up to be eye level with her 'little' brother.  "Its okay, I got you. Calm down."
 Obediently, he shrank back to normal-baby size.
 Absent mindedly, Sam flipped through the Power Book. He saw Mary, the weather Controller, and Robert, the Super speeder. He turned to Villans. There was hypnosis. The red bookmark that meant he was next on the List was there. Sam smiled. 'you're going down.' he thought. then he added, in the back of his mind, 'if we can find you...'

 The kids had not found hypnosis for the simple reason that no one had ever found him. At least, no one with their memory still intact.
 Curently, the evil master mind was drinking coffee. His Zombie-like slaves were waiting at a respectful distance. As he drank his coffee, He watched the screen that showed the children heroes. He leaned forward to hear better. They were discussing his Mist.
 He leaned back, and smiled. He had brought nations to their knees. He could bring down four children with his eyes closed.
 He laughed in a way that would have been funny if it wasn't so scary.

Nerd love

This is no Romeo and Juliet, Its just the tale of how two nerds met. 
It all went down in history class, we said the other kids would never pass. 
And by math it was clear to see, that you really had a thing for me. 
When I see you, my ventricle pumps harder, 
We both said that the other was smarter. 
Natural selection made you great, 
you're hotter than lava, you're cooler than slate.

String theory v.s. particles was our first fight, 
you have no idea how much I cried that night. 
but our differences was 1 Planck measure, 
and so, of course, we got back together. 
On the wonders of the Universe, I've got to say,
You are the best in every way. 

Voting time!

I am in a fix. I love all the stories I have started so far, but I have to choose just one to continue. So I am asking you to take the poll on the right.

feeling small

the ant felt small on the toe of the girl,
the girl felt small in the shadow of the tree,
the tree felt small on the side of the mountain.
The mountain felt small on the surface of the earth.
The earth felt small in the light of the sun, and
the sun felt small under the gaze of God.

I'm trying something new..,

Okay. Here is the dealy-o. I want to ask my viewers. (all five of them.) What do you think I should do? You can tell me that;
a)  You loved one of my former stories, either My Power is Decay or My After life, and want me to continue it.
b) You have an idea for my newest story, The Heroic Newbie.
c) You are starting to think that I need a new approach to this writing thing...
 PLEASE respond