The Heroic Newbie

 I was in a dark dungeon. I was eating a rat. A mad scientist was about to take over the world, and I was, for once, powerless to stop it.
Joker boy, Sam was desperately trying to laser eye his way out of the chains. Softie Abby was praying (in mid air, at that). Her brother, baby Matthew was crying his little heart out. (Well, big heart. He was ten feet tall at the moment).Team leader, John, was quietly muttering plans. (most of them involved out smarting three supercomputers, which, believe it or not, he could do). And I, Alice the newbie, figured, what the heck, we're be down here for a good decade, so I may as well write about how we got here.
But if I'm going to tell this right, I should back up.

My brother James got a toy air plane for his birthday. I was watching him fly it. As it flew through the air it almost looked like a real plane; a tiny speck zooming past the county side at incredible speeds, yet looking like it was barely moving. I was shaken from my dreamy thoughts when little James came running, tears welling up in his eyes. “AAalice! M-my p-p-plane crAAAshed!” He wailed. “You have t' get it.”
“James. I have no idea where it landed. It could be anywhere. It's lost.”
 "You have to get it." He repeated, with puppy-dog-eyes. 

And that's how I ended up in the woods, with thorns in places thorns shouldn't be.
About ten minutes into my unwanted trek, I saw a bluish light off in the distance. I wanted to see what it was, and I started to walk towards it. I shouldn't go to it, it might be a trap. Or a persons flashlight. A bad persons flashlight. And-
 I came out into a small natural clearing. The bright light of the sky blinded me after so much of looking down under a roof of thick trees. I stumbled forward; with no undergrowth here, I overestimated how hard I had to step. I didn't see the hole until I fell in it. It was a big hole, and a scary fall. I must have screamed. After a quick check to make sure nothing was broken, I looked around. Thankfully, there was a ladder leaning against the wall, leading up. But before I started to clime up, I turned in a full circle and saw the source of the blue glow.
 It was a perfect sphere. It glowed so bright I had to shield my eyes to look at it. Symbols strange and familiar circled slowly inside it. From mathematical to warning to magical signs... They were hypnotic. They made me want to stare at them forever. In a trance I reached for it slowly. I barely touched  it with my fingertips when-

"You found it!" My brother ran to me and snatched the plane from my hands. He hugged me tight.
"Your welcome, but you owe me one." I answered with a smirk. And he DID owe me. Finding that plane in the swamp no less then fifteen minutes in, I had had to wade through muck, clime a tree, and do it all over again when I fell down the first five times. I didn't want to tell James that though. It would make him feel guilty. I tussled his hair and we both happily walked back inside.  

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